9am Surfer Joe programme planning test.
Group is split into smaller groups and given the case study / handout of Surfer Joe.
The group are given approx. 1 hour to design a training prog. Including fitness, diet, skill drills, lifestyle, equipment etc.
Groups are asked then to discuss and compare their progs and present their ideas.
Allow approx. 30 mins for this.
The students must then individually hand in these assignments for marking.
10.30 am. Tea break
10.50 am Practical coaching session Fault correction.
TA to run through the template in course book, highlighting some of the key points that the coach should be looking for from their surfers performance.
i.e. paddling, position in line-up, commitment, manoeuvres repertoire etc.
11.30 Practical beach session,
Buddy pairs , 1 in surf 1 as coach . 30 mins in water.
Coach’s to make written evaluations /comments.
Then swap / reverse roles for the 30 min session.
TA to film /video the sessions.
1pm lunch
Coach’s verbal feedback on their given surfer
Also any improvement / correction strategy to employ for the pm session.
& Video playback from am session
2.30 pm Practical surfing / coaching session as am.
4pm Tea break
4.20 pm Class session
Feed back and review from coach’s etc.
TA to playback film footage for comment etc.
Written feedback and comment sheets to be handed in for marking by TA.
Also if time allows TA to play Ripstix film ‘Secrets Of Power Surfing ‘ to reiterate points covered in the day. This film is not essential but is recommended if there is sufficient time at end of day.
Approx. 40 mins playtime.
5.30 pm finish